February 17, 2012

Italy: Textile Machinery Exports are on the Rise

According to the note from TexIndex.com, the Italian market of textile machinery saw important increases in manufacturing and exports in 2011. After a weak year in 2009 and a rather healthy recovery in 2010, the preliminary 2011 figures seem to show a lot of positive growth with a 9% increases compared to 2010 (2.6 billion euro vs. 2.4 billion from the previous year). As in every other important textile machinery-producing country, exports remain the major engine of growth in Italy.

Italian Textile Machinery Industry (millions of euros):

Over 80 percent of all Italian textile machinery product is exported. In 2011, 25 percent of all exports were shipped to China, and a total of 50 percent of all exports were delivered to Asian markets. Here is the growth in exports for the same period in 2010:

Italian Export Growth: January through October 2011


Source: http://www.texindex.com

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