December 28, 2012

Bangladesh Textile Factories Ablaze

According to a recent article in Businessweek, Bangladesh is going through a wave of bad fires at textile factories. We were all shocked on November 24, when we received the news about 111 workers, who died in the fire at the Tazreen Fashions plant in Dhaka. Unfortunately, it was not the last instance of fire. As per Businessweek, there have been 17 more fires at Bangladeshi textile and garment factories, which is a sad stat. At the same time it reveals a lot of safety issues, which exist at such factories in the country.

Local authorities in Bangladesh attribute the fires to short circuits, faulty wiring and power surges. The overall opinion about the need to improve safety conditions is unanimous. To date, the country has made huge changes in removing child labor due to the pressure from the U.S. and European countries. Now the safety issue emerged, which is again going to sparkle talks about the health of the garment industry in Bangladesh. We believe that clothing retailers from Europe and North America, who outsource garment manufacturing to Bangladeshi partners will turn their heads to this issue and will press their partners to improve on safety.

Read the full coverage of the situation:
Bangladesh's Tazreen Fire Is Followed by Further Garment Factory Blazes

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